Proprioceptive Deep Tendon Reflex (P-DTR)

Proprioceptive Deep Tendon Reflex (P-DTR)

Do you feel “stressed” all the time? 

Do you experience fatigue, poor range of motion, decreased strength, or poor coordination? 

Proprioceptive Deep Tendon Reflex (P-DTR) can help you manage and reduce the effects of  debilitating stress, restore your range of motion, strength, coordination, and so much more. 

The best part about it is that Dr. Deb is one of only two chiropractors in the state of Maryland trained and certified in this technique.

How Does Proprioceptive Deep Tendon Reflex Work?

Your body sends information about your environment to your brain via sensory nerves. Different nerves are sensitive to different stimuli like stretch, pressure, heat, cold, vibration, etc.  Your brain then interprets and uses this information to make decisions about how to function and move. 

Due to illness, injury, or other stresses, these sensory nerves can become hypersensitive and create bad feedback loops.  Often, this is your brain’s way of avoiding something that it has learned to interpret as somehow “dangerous,” (even if it is not) and keep you “safe” –  Your brain and body then create protective “stress response” that changes how you move and function.

This can result in decreased mobility, chronic or recurring pain, muscle tension, weakness, and injuries.  A chronically overactive stress response can also lead to fatigue, reduced immune function, and digestive problems, among other things.

We use neurologic and movement testing to identify and “reset” these faulty reflexes.  Many people notice quick and significant improvements in strength, mobility, and pain with both acute and chronic pain.   We then guide you towards the proper exercises, stretches, and lifestyle improvements to help you heal. 

For more information about P-DTR at Frederick Chiropractic Wellness Center please go to or

What is Proprioceptive Deep Tendon Reflex (P-DTR)?

P-DTR® is a unique and specialized approach to functional neurology and anatomy that involves testing and correcting specific nerve and muscle dysfunctions, and the way they affect how you move, function, and respond to stress.

Benefits of P-DTR:

  • Finds and corrects problems, not just the symptoms
  • Accelerates recovery from acute injuries
  • Reduces lingering dysfunction and pain from chronic injuries
  • Reduces the debilitating effects of repetitive stress
  • Improves athletic performance
  • Restores muscle function and coordination 
  • Increases range of motion, strength and stamina
  • Improves stability, balance, and coordination
  • Improves your brain and body’s ability to adapt to stress
  • Resolves problems you thought you’d “just have to live with”

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